This list contains information about each payment that you have received from the publisher. This list contains information about all the copies that have been sold. The price should be the price from which royalties are calculated. This is not always the cover price. If some copies are returned, enter this as a negative number. This is the amount of time the publisher is allowed to keep the cash reserved against returns. This is the amount of cash reserved by the publisher against returns. This is the length of time covered by each royalty payment. These are the dates when royalties will be paid. These are the various royalty rates. This explains how the advance will be paid. If the work was bought outright, this is the purchase price. Otherwise, this is the amount you will receive as an advance against royalties. This is the date when the work was published. This is the duration of the contract. This is the territory covered by the publication rights. These are the publication rights that the publisher bought.